Let’s talk Little babies
Kansas City Newborn Photographer Susy Photo has been capturing Camden’s little family since the start of his parent story Yup! Almost 5 years ago I met this darling couple at a wedding show. Now look at them!!! Two babies later and they are still just so in LOVE.
Camden’s Birth Story in his mommy’s words:
My first son was born via c- section due to not progressing, so this time I wanted to try to have a vaginal delivery. We opted to be induced at 39 weeks and 2 days so baby wouldn’t be too big- there was suspicion that my pelvis may be too small to birth a baby. We arrived at the hospital at 4 AM on April 15th and began the induction process. After 15 hours and many methods of intervention, very little progress was made. The doctor advised we move forward with the C-section again as it was clear I wasn’t going to dilate any further. We got back to the operating room for surgery and after they gave me all the standard medication I was feeling pain from the surgery. They ended up giving me gas which resulted in me being knocked out for the delivery. I woke up 30 minutes later to a beautiful baby boy. 7 lbs 9 oz and 19 3/4 in long, Camden Archer arrived at 8:25 PM on April 15, 2021.
There is nothing more important to me than being the best Kansas City Newborn Photographer in our area. Watching families start from the beginning is special. I get to watch this LOVE from the start create a life of LOVE. How exciting is that?
I’m curious to how this little Camden and his big brother Landon will grow to look alike? or maybe not? My favorite part of a newborn session is guessing who baby looks like. What do you think?