
Letters to Our Sons | Kansas City Mo Photographer

My dearest boy,

Oh, the places you will go, the people you will meet. There is only dream’s ahead of you and I want them all to come true. In my letter this month to you I deiced to do a top 10 Bucket List, instead of doing your top ten this month. Even if you don’t get to complete some of these, know that I will love you in what ever you do. I just want to start leading you in the right direction. Maybe one day we can make a Bucket List together of things we want to do as mother and son….I’d love that.

Dylan’s Top 10 Bucket List:

10. Fly a Kite
 – Flying a kite high in the air, where you can reach all the stars above our head. This will show you that your dreams are never out of reach if you fly high in the air.

9. Learn to play an insterment – I plan on buying you a set of drums for Christmas, so that you can be given the opportunity of music. Play your heart away.

8. Become a big brother – This has always been on the list and you have not only become a brother, but the BEST BIG brother.

7. Learn to read & Love to read – You have an interest in books and I hope that it stays this way. I hope that you learn to read and enjoy it, for books are the gateway to the world, use your imagination.

6. Star in a school play/musical – My love for theater is greater then you will ever know. I want to sit in the audience and enjoy watching you, sharing the same love that I do.

5. Learn Photography – Photography, is something I want on both you and your sisters bucket list. I want you to not only love it but be passionate about! Like your mommy.

4. Travel – I wish that I had enough money to take you around the world. A boy like you deserves to be everywhere. (The world need’s you out there)

3. College – My son, I want you, I need you to strive and excel to be the best that you can! College is something that is a MUST and I’m counting on you to lead this great world.

2. Marriage & children – I hope that I can be a grandma some day. I sure hope it’s in the order of Marriage and then Children. Please don’t make me a grandma in the next 15 years! Please take your time on finding the right women to make a family with. Don’t wait to long, but know that Marriage is nothing to rush into.

1. Be a religious man – I want you to follow the Lord, because if you have this then you will be given and lead to where ever you need to be in your life.

I love you son, I hope that you never feel unloved. I want you to be able to be who you want to be, and have your own dreams. I just hope that my little bucket list is stuff that you will do for you.

Love your one and only momma.  <3

Now that you have read my letter please head over and read

Kim’s Letter this month!



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